Looking for the best Kona Coffee? Whether you are an office aficionado or an amateur office drinker, Kona Coffee bean is something you want to be familiar with. The fact is that the Kona beans are grown in mineral-rich volcanic soil that provides the most ideal growing conditions for coffee in the world. It is known as the Kona Coffee belt and grown on the big island of Hawaii with the perfect combination of sunlight, humidity, and rainfall. This is the result of a rich and fragrant brew. Kona Coffee Classification and Grade The Kona Coffee grading system was started in the 1980s by the Hawaii agricultural society to make certain from false sales and advertising. Kona Coffee is classified into two types I and II. Type I refers to cherry with two beans and Type II refers to cherry with one bean. There are numerous grades and classifications of Kona Coffee. The five grades of Kona Coffee are: Kona extra fancy Kona number 1 Kona fancy Kona select Kona Prime A...